backyard patio with two people on outdoor furniture

How to make an outdoor oasis to invite serenity and peace to your life

If you’re looking for some spring patio decorating ideas, this guide is meant to offer you the tips you need to create an outdoor oasis. The goal of creating an inviting outdoor space is more important than merely creating a space to entertain. You need your area to provide peace and serenity to your life.

Below are some of my favorite ways to create an inviting space to heal my spiritual and emotional self.

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post may include affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

how to make a backyard oasis

Creating a space that heals you

First and foremost, when decorating a patio space outdoors, I aim to create a welcoming environment that heals my spiritual and emotional self.

I need a place ideal for:

  • Meditation
  • Reading
  • Relaxing
  • Being one with nature
  • And socializing with dear friends and family

Therefore, I look to add elements of comfort, liveliness, and silence to enhance the backyard experience. 

My advice for creating this space (one where you feel at peace and comforted) is to focus on elements that bring you joy and urge you to focus on mindfulness. Below are some of the ways you can best add this peace and serenity to your space.

Assess your space

Before you begin purchasing the latest and greatest spring patio trends, you need to assess your space. Figure out the size, shape, and textures already available to you. 

Do you have a large yard? What about a garden space? Do you have a porch? Patio? Deck? Is your area enclosed or open to the elements? Is there a roof or overhang? 

The size and shape of your space will affect how you decorate. If you have a large garden, why not include arbors, benches, and fountains throughout to create a haven? If you have a deck with an overhang, why not add some hanging plants or fairy lights to draw the eye upwards?

Once you know what your space already has to offer, focus on enhancing those features.

potted plants on a tiered shelf
Photo by Min An from Pexels

Opt for lots of plants

When making an oasis, you can’t go wrong with plants. Plants bring life and vitality to a space. They enrich the environment and add textures and colors that are authentic and real. Opt for lots of plants in your backyard area. 

Fearns, lavender, sunflowers, small shrubs, succulents, and hanging ivy are always beautiful choices. 

Try to switch up the way your plants appear in your space. For example, include:

  • Hanging plants
  • Plants in large planters
  • Plants in small planters
  • Different colors/species/varieties

Get creative with the containers that plants are in. Use old crates and mental containers to add depth. Use platforms and layer your plants in levels to appear more eye-catching. Better yet, use wooden pallets to create a plant wall and lean it up against or hang it on a wall to create a green centerpiece.

Personally, I love to surround my patio furniture with plants. There‘s something super relaxing and satisfying about being surrounded by so much greenery.


Have a water feature

Water is another element that inspires life. As humans, we are naturally drawn to water. There’s a reason all of the major cities are near oceans, lakes, and rivers. Water is the essence of life, and therefore, it’s an entirely transformative element to a backyard or patio space. 

Add birdbaths, water fountains, or miniature waterfalls to your patio or deck. The best part about these options is that they’re inexpensive while still adding a water feature to your yard. So many people think they can’t have a water feature without spending hundreds of dollars. But that’s simply not true!

Here’s one of my favorite tabletop waterfalls that can suit any outdoor space. The focus on natural material makes this waterfall blend seamlessly while still offering that calm, oasis feel.

outdoor string lights in backyard
Photo by Askar Abayev from Pexels

Focus on lighting

While many people focus on furniture and cooking equipment for their outdoor retreat, lighting is another vital piece that shouldn’t be overlooked. How do you plan to light your space at night? There are plenty of options, but I’ll try to list some of my favorites!

Above all, fire pits are my favorite way to add light to a space. They’re warm, inviting, and functional. If a fire pit isn’t an option, I also adore tiki lights and candles. Fire adds a hygge element to your patio and makes everything feel more real and authentic.

 I think the issue for many backyard spaces is that we fill them with technology. We go to these spaces to retreat, disconnect, and live presently. But with projectors, lightbulbs, and other tech gear, we end up eliminating that cozy, outdoor vibe altogether.

While I love an open flame, this doesn’t work for everyone. Apartment balconies and families with small children may not be able to opt for this element. If this is the case, you can never go wrong with lanterns, fairy lights, or string lights.

String lights are a fun way to draw the eye upwards. You can string them from pole to pole or wrap them around supporting posts on your patio canopy.

Choose comfy pieces

Outdoor areas can’t be a relaxing oasis without comfort. Opt for pillows, rugs, cushioned furniture, blankets, hammocks, and the like. 

I like to experiment with seating to create more diversity. Hammocks can be secluded from social areas to add a sense of intimacy. Cushioned chairs can be filled with cozy outdoor pillows, and the patio can be covered in a warm outdoor rug. 

Try out unique colors and designs to really elevate the space.

Curtains are another unique way to make an outdoor space feel more luxurious. Hang white or sheer curtains to an overhang to create a canopy feel. Trust me. This is one of the best ways to make your backyard feel like a paradise.

Reflect on the mood you want 

Every backyard has a unique mood, and yours should reflect the feeling you’re going for. Decide if you want a jungle feel with large, dark leafy plants surrounding fountains and waterfalls. Maybe you want a beach oasis with sheer curtains and small succulents. Or perhaps you want the cottage-core backyard with a garden maze and simple benches scattered throughout.

Be sure to know your chosen aesthetic before making any decisions, and always map out and measure your space beforehand.

journaling prompts

If you like this post, check out some similar posts of mine below!

Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know how you decorate your patio! 

You can also email me with questions or concerns you may have at

My new book, Witch in the Water, is available on Amazon!

Also, check out my poetry book, The Lights are on but Nobody’s Home, available now on amazon for $6.99 in paperback form!

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post includes affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

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