coffee mug on table before misty mountains

7 steps to a Hygge home this fall

Hygge has really sprung up as an aesthetic and intriguing way of life this fall. People are drawn to the slow lifestyle and warm atmosphere that makes Hygge so appealing. 

If you’re looking for tips on how to make your home more Hygge this fall, look no further. I’ve rounded up a few amazing hacks to help increase the coziness and warmth of your home!

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post includes affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

hygge home coffee mug pinterest graphic

What is Hygge?

First, let’s deduce what Hygge is. Hygge is a danish word that represents an aesthetic of coziness and warmth. 

Essentially, Hygge is a way of living that focuses on slowness and intention. It’s about really enjoying your space and feeling present with the world.

What most people love about Hygge is how simple the lifestyle is. It is easy to implement into everyday life and is enjoyable to sustain. 

Below are my seven tips on how to create a Hygge atmosphere this fall.

More blankets and pillows

Hygge is all about comfort and coziness and nothing says “cosy” better than several warm blankets and pillows.

When attempting to bring Hygge into your home, choose blankets that are warm, neutral colors made of fleece, or other soft materials.

The idea is to fluff blankets on your sofa, chairs, bed, and any place where you can relax and enjoy the warmth and softness of these simple luxuries.

Pillows have always added an air of coziness to a space and work best in multitudes. Try to differentiate your pillows by color, texture, and size.

A large white and grey faux fur pillow paired with a neutral brown cotton pillow will add a bit of warmth and cohesiveness to your space.

Soft lighting 

Soft lighting is one of the easiest ways to bring Hygge into your home. By soft lighting, I mean low light lamps or candles to rein in a soft glow.

Warmer lights with yellow and orange tones are a great way to add a soft glow if you lack a fireplace or candles. 

The issue with most homes these days is that the lightbulbs in light fixtures are sharp whites and blues which can come off as cold and distant. Not to mention that they can hurt your eyes and can mess with your sleep cycle.

Choosing warm colored light bulbs will help ease eye strain while also creating a Hygge atmosphere, filled with coziness and warmth.

Of course, there is no real substitute for candles which are my personal favorite source of lighting my home when darkness arrives. I love the soft, calm, flickering glow they spread across a space.

I like to use candles that smell of pumpkin spice and warm cinnamon apples. For fall, they are some of the sweetest smells and it really adds an air of warmth.

Warm beverages

Speaking of warmth, hot beverages like coffee and tea are a great way to bring Hygge into your life. While we can’t constantly drink hot beverages, they are a great way to apply yourself to the Hygge aesthetic.

The earthy scents and taste of warm goodness is a great way to ground yourself and become involved with the present moment—which is what Hygge is all about.

Additionally, the great thing about drinking warm beverages is showcasing your personality with a plethora of cozy mugs! While I adhere towards minimalism in my kitchen utensils and collections, I do enjoy decorative mugs that highlight what I’m all about.

I really enjoy earthy toned porcelain mugs as they tend to invoke a sense of warmth and peace into my home.


Nothing is more Hygge than cozying up with a book. Books are some of my favorite pieces to bring into a Hygge space and they radiate the slow living and intentional lifestyle. Books are a wonderful tool for relaxation and learning and really allow us time to sit back and relax.

In order to keep things simple and cozy, I advocate that in this case, you would opt for a physical book over an e-version. The reason for this is that physical books offer us a more present feeling in our environment and our senses are heightened versus when we use books on a screen.

The scent and feel of the pages is calming and many studies have been done proving that we not only increase comprehension but also decrease anxiety and stress when reading with a physical book.

witch in the water book on blanket with pumpkins


While plants may not always bring a sense of coziness to a space, they do provide reassurance and comfort. Plants cleanse the air around us and often invoke a sense of clarity and relief. This is due to our innate connection with nature and our desire to be as close to it as possible.

Having a few plants around your home is a great way to include the idea of Hygge into your home.

If you are not so keen with plants and are afraid of killing them, you can instead add corn and pumpkins throughout your home this fall. Thankfully, these items don’t “die” and take a lot of time before they begin to degrade. Not only that, but they’re wonderful for fall decor and you can always carve your pumpkins for halloween.

Less consumption

I’ve mentioned this in a youtube video about intentional living on my channel, but consuming less whether that be sugary foods, fast food, social media, news, clothing, items, toxic conversations, negative mindsets, and less tech in general is a great way to help increase productivity and mindfulness. 

We live in an age where information is inescapable and its constantly shoved down our throats. Media is held in high regard and we are always urged to consume more of it. Our capitalistic society urges us to spend and shop and collect anything and everything.

While purging and decluttering can certainly help, the best way to implement slow living and Hygge culture into your life is by consuming less. Set limits on your phone for certain apps. Budget your time and money. Get intentional about how you spend your moments.


While not everyone has a built-in fireplace in their home, it is one of the most calming and coziest pieces of Hygge culture. Fireplaces speak to our senses: crackling fire, the scent of burning logs, the warmth from the fireplace itself. It’s one of the simplest ways to feel present.

The warm glow is cozy and the heat certainly brings some life to your home during winter. There may not be a fireplace in every home, but temporary fireplaces do exist.

Ever since I finished a freelance article on portable fireplaces, I’ve been hooked. They’re inexpensive and easy to maintain. While they don’t typically have a real fire, they do generate heat, offer a warm glow, and SOME come with that crackling sound!

Bringing Hygge into your home this fall is a great way to really slow down and feel warm and cozy all at the same time.

If you like this post, check out some similar posts of mine below!

Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know how you implement Hygge into your life!

You can also email me with questions or concerns you may have at

My new book, Witch in the Water, is available on Amazon!

Also, check out my poetry book, The Lights are on but Nobody’s Home, available now on amazon for $6.99!

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post includes affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

Thanks again

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