7 Ways to Simplify Your Daily Routine

Before I get started, I wanted to make a quick update here: I will be changing my posting schedule temporarily to only one post every two weeks until further notice. Thanks!

Simplifying your life doesn’t have to be difficult. One of the first things I focus on when I’m in need of more simplicity is my daily routine. Your daily routine practically defines your life, if you think about it. What you choose to focus on and work towards daily, inevitably affects the way your life unfolds on a larger scale.

For today’s post, we’ll be diving into 7 ways in which you can simplify your daily routine to totally uplift your current lifestyle and to add more clarity in your day to day life!

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post includes affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

7 ways to simplify your life

Wake Up Early

I’m pretty sure I preach this in every single post about simple living that I make BUT the results are uncanny!

Waking up early doesn’t necessarily give you more time during your day, but it certainly feels like it does. At the moment, I wake up at 9:30 every day. Is that early? Not really…

My goal would be to wake up around 7 or 8 am each morning, because that would give me time to workout, shower, eat breakfast, journal, etc. before 9 or 10 am!

Like I said before, waking up early doesn’t give you more time, but it feels like it does. Why? If you think about it, work for most people and businesses begins at 9am. When you’re up before 9, you give yourself more time to get ready before the work day even starts.

It’s much more enjoyable to shop, handle bills, and chores before 3 or 4pm. Just saying…

I encourage you to attempt waking up earlier in order to do MORE with your day. Go to sleep an hour before you typically would and set an alarm to wake up an hour earlier the next morning. Try it for yourself to see the difference!

Declutter Often

I think when people think of “simple living” they think of minimalism. And to be fair, most minimalists do tend to live simpler and less hectic lifestyles.

I think one of the main reasons for this is that by owning less stuff and consuming less (junk food, media, clothing, etc.) you feel clearer of mind and life tends to be less…crowded.

Decluttering often can help reduce the amount of “stuff” in your home. One reason this is so great is that less clutter equals less mess. I’ve found that when we own more, or multiples of an object, we tend to create more messes.

Messes and disorganization can be stressful. Not to mention time-consuming. Why? Because when we have too much, its easier to lose things.

I highly encourage you to donate and declutter your spaces often. Ask if you really need an item before keeping or discarding it. A less cluttered space leads to a less cluttered sense of mind.

Give Everything in Your House a “Home”

Going right along with what I stated above, if you own less, its easier not to lose things. Furthermore, you are able to give every item in your house a “home.”

What do I mean by this?

Your car keys always go to the same place when their not in use. You know where your scissors are because you always put them back in their spot. You’re never searching for your headphones because they’re right where they’re supposed to be.

A “home” for your items is essentially a place where they should always be returned when not in use. It makes finding things so much easier and there’s never any stress when it comes to navigating exactly what you need when you need it.

Personally, I know this can be hard for some people. My boyfriend is absolutely terrible at giving items a “home.” He loses his keys, his wallet, and his belts ALL. THE. TIME.

It can be frustrating and I have yet to decipher exactly how I can get him to utilize this “home” strategy. So while I know it can difficult for you to convince everyone in your house to put things back EXACTLY where they came from, try your best.

Time-Block Your Chores

Chores suck. That’s why they’re called “chores.” However, I’ve found that time-blocking your chores makes them easier to do.

I like to set a 20 minute timer for each chore or, if I’m picking things up, wiping things down, I do the task in a 20 min burst.

It’s pretty crazy how much you can get done in 20 minutes and its even crazier how fast 20 minutes flies by!

I tend to block most of my chores on Sunday. I like doing all of my chores all at once. On sundays, I’ll set aside small blocks of time for each task and in about 3 hours, my entire home is clean and tidy!

For dishes especially, I have a tendency to avoid them because it feels like they take forever to do and I hate the grimy feeling on my hands. I use the 20-minute time-blocking method when I do them and it always surprises me on how much I am able to get done.

Take Time for Yourself

When it comes to adding simplicity in your daily routine, nothing is better or more beneficial that taking time for yourself. Taking time to yourself looks different for everyone.

Some people get into an entire self-care routine. Others sit back with a book and read. Some meditate or journal. some play video games or crochet.

Seriously, the goal here, when it comes to simple living is to just take an hour or two out of your day and do something for yourself–something that you enjoy.

For me, I take an hour each afternoon around 3 o’clock to read or watch Youtube. Each night after 9, I read or embroider. These are things that make me genuinely happy and offer quiet relief when I need it most.

Have a Home Binder

There really is no better way to organize your entire life than with a home binder. Do you now how helpful these thigns are? Everything you could possibly need is organized in one place! It’s amazing!

Home binders can be filled with anything that you deem necessary. You can put contact info, bill payments, mail, important documents, passwords, etc. in them. It’s like a really efficient filing system to keep track of everything that is important to you and your family.

Turn Off Tech

Alright, last tip. When it comes to simplifying your life through your daily routine, turning off tech is one of the most important things you can do for yourself.

I use downtime on my iPhone to keep myself off my phone for the last two hours of each and every day. I use that time to wind down with a movie or by embroidering or reading.

Tech and social media, especially, have a certain hold over our lives. They can be quite obsessive and toxic which is the exact opposite of simplicity.

Since moving towards a simpler lifestyle, I’ve found that turning off tech has been one of the most beneficial things for my health. It forces me to really “feel” time rather than getting caught up and taken away from it.

I feel more present and life seems to go by slower and smoother. Which, is exactly what I want!

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Feel free to leave a comment below and let me know what you do to bring simplicity into your daily routine! 

You can also email me with questions or concerns you may have at

My new book, Witch in the Water, will be available October 6, 2020!

Also, check out my poetry book, The Lights are on but Nobody’s Home, available now on amazon for $6.99!

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post includes affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

Thanks again

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