incense and candles with a plant on a shelf by a window

Universal oneness: what does it mean and why is it important?

One of the first grand revelations I had in recent months was that a universal consciousness or universal oneness connects us all. It IS the fabric of the universe, a sort of energy that permeates all thing

I’m not sure why the concept didn’t resonate heavily with me before. I think I knew what the concept of universal oneness was, but I didn’t understand it. Today, I am ever more sure that there is a difference between KNOWING and UNDERSTANDING.

But what is universal oneness? Why would it matter to us? Let’s talk about it.

There exists a universal oneness blog graphic

What is universal oneness?

In its most basic sense or simplest terms, universal oneness is an energy that coats everything in the universe.

The fabric of our reality, our perceivable (and imperceivable) universe, and our very souls are all a part of this divine universal oneness.

It is a singular consciousness which connects us all and breathes life into ALL.

We have called this universal oneness:

the ALL
universal mind
universal consciousness
unified field

These are all names for the same thing.

This oneness is the foundation of the universe. It is the beginning, the end, and everything captured in infinite eternity.

I liken this universal consciousness to an invisible web of energy that flows through everything in both our physical reality and the spiritual realm. Metaphor is perhaps the only way of conveying this consciousness. After all, we do not yet have the language or science to discuss acutely our own consciousnesses. How can we, without the proper tools, express exactly what is the universal consciousness or universal oneness?

This universal oneness exists beyond self. It has no ego for it is all of us combined and more.

It exists beyond time and space. It is limitless. It does not age. It has no grand will of its own. It has no beginning. No end.

The universal oneness may sometimes be considered “God.” But after many explorations into this topic, I’m not sure that is quite the right description.

Universal oneness or universal consciousness, to me, is quite literally what the universe is made up of. It is the glue that holds it all together. It is how we are all connected.

What does universal oneness mean for us?

The universal oneness is an energy that permeates all things. So what?

The universal oneness is expressed individually through each of us.

We all are connected with this energy. It is deeply embedded within our souls, as we are fractals of this larger whole.

We exist because consciousness split in order to experience itself. Consciousness multiplied to live in multiplicity, to create diversity, to experience itself from every angle possible. And just as cells have their own directive, separate and ungoverned by us—the body as a whole—so too are we souls with our own directives, separate and ungoverned by the universal oneness and yet, still a part of it, nevertheless.

Still, though we are individuals, we are all connected via this universal oneness.

When we tap into our highest selves and listen to the wisdom deep within our bones, we recognize this unity.

And we remember.

journaling prompts

How can we tap into this collective oneness? Why should we?

Is it worth it to tap into a higher vibration or change our frequency so that we remember that we are all connected? That we are all divine? That we are all leaves upon the same tree?

I think so.

Perhaps it truly offers us nothing to have this realization. But it has changed me profoundly. I view my friends and family with a different lens. They ARE pieces of this universal oneness, just as I am. When I show them anger or grief, I am expressing it to a divine fractal of which I am the same.

This realization has led me to appreciate life more. Perhaps it would do the same for others.

What would happen if we realized universal oneness existed?

As a simple answer, I would imagine there would be no more wars. I would imagine we would all listen to the inner voice and tap into higher frequencies to live more authentically, honestly, and kindly than we do today. I imagine that if we all we’re familiar and frequently reflected on this universal oneness which we are ALL a part of, we would lead much different lives with more wholesome goals.

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