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Everything you perceive is thought: what to know about the role of consciousness on reality

Our consciousness creates the tangible reality that we see day-to-day

Perhaps one of the most important lessons I ever came to learn that has shaped my very existence is this:

Everything is thought.

This message came to me when I least expected it. But furthermore, it came to me in a way that proved to me that just because I knew that our thoughts were important, I didn’t quite understand the severity and impact of this statement.

Many of us walk through life attempting to grasp a spiritual perspective, to look through a spiritual lens, so to speak, and utilize such tools as affirmations or manifestations. How many online gurus have you heard preach about the importance and power of manifestation?

Many of them likely believe and understand the concept at length. Still, there are likely many who do not fully understand the concept, yet they have a platform—and in the age of self-empowerment, manifestation for self is an alluring idea.

Still, there IS something to manifestation. But perhaps it’s more broad than manifesting the things you want. Perhaps there’s something MORE to our reality when viewed from an outside perspective that allows us to fully understand its true scope.

Once you know and understand this fundamental idea, you hold the key to unlocking any door of opportunity and alchemizing your reality.

Everything is THOUGHT.

Everything is CONSCIOUSNESS.

everything you perceive is thought blog graphic

What does it mean if “everything is thought?”

As mentioned above, you’ve likely heard this concept at length in the spiritual sphere. Many spiritual practitioners and leaders have spoken about how our thoughts shape reality. Often, they speak of this in regards to positivity and negativity. They often express the law of attraction or manifestation.

You might have heard that in order to manifest something for self, you have to first change your thoughts. 

While this is true, it’s not quite what I want to speak of. 

Self is important. After all, you were given a “self.” You experience life as a singular “self.” However, this concept, EVERYTHING YOU PERCEIVE IS THOUGHT, exists beyond the self.

What do I mean?

If everything in your reality is only thought, then your reality is not really tangible. The chair you sit in is not really there. You are simply perceiving a chair. Your body is simply a projection of your thoughts from your mind. Collectively, we experience tangible reality, but it is simply a result of our collective thought or collective consciousness.

This reminds me of a scene in The Matrix where Neo ventures to meet the Oracle, but first, he has an interaction with a young child. The child is bending a spoon and offers it to Neo to attempt to bend at his will. 

The child says something along the lines of, “The spoon is not really there.”

Once Neo understands this, he, too, is able to bend the spoon.

Our reality is only thought. And thus, we can manipulate our reality. Not just by manifesting the things we desire, but by literally manipulating our reality. We can use our thoughts to create a “good” world. We can use our thoughts to affect change. 

While it may be difficult and require practice, who is to say we can’t all bend spoons? Walk on water? Move objects with our minds?

Everything we perceive is thought.

Is reality real?

This all probably leads you to the same question I have above.

If everything is thought, is reality even real?

I think there’s a difference between real and tangible. 

Our reality IS real, because we believe it to be so. If we didn’t believe it, we wouldn’t be able to experience it.

However, like Neo in The Matrix, we have the ability to manipulate our reality if we believe it and if we change our thoughts to align with the reality we wish to create. There’s no need to “jump” to parallel realities, as many gurus claim. Change your thoughts and you will change your reality. 

journaling prompts

How do our thoughts shape our reality

Your thoughts create your reality. 

If we live in a fractal holographic universe, then your consciousness doesn’t just perceive reality but creates it through its perception. 

Thus, positive thoughts will generate a positive reality. Negative thoughts will generate a negative reality.

Your thoughts shape the fabric of reality.

This is the law of attraction or the process of manifestation. It can be as centered on self or separate from self as you want it to be. 

Again, I’ll reiterate that knowing and understanding this concept are two very different things. 

Here’s what I mean:

Before the message was given to me, I knew about the concept of our thoughts shaping reality. And yet, I let my thoughts control me often rather than being the one in control of my thoughts. 

Then I understood.

I began seeing this knowing vs understanding EVERYWHERE. 

Friends of mine knew their thoughts were affecting their reality, and yet these same people would constantly reaffirm negativity in their lives. I would hear them say, “I am manifesting more abundance in my life.” And a breath later, saying, “I’m just so depressed. I’m struggling. I’m anxious all the time.”

But if your thoughts dictate your reality, these are affirmations that you are depressed, struggling, or anxious. 

Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. I notice it everywhere now. 

Now that I understand that everything we perceive is thought, I have begun to redefine my thoughts and to change them so as to change my reality for the better.

How does the populace affect reality with our collective thought?

If our thoughts shape our reality, and we are suffering due to a societal issue (say, wartime, poverty, natural disasters, etc), then is it victim-blaming to say to someone, “Well, since your thoughts shape your reality, this [insert bad event] happened to you because your thoughts are negative.

Here is what I’ve learned:

The collective thought is more potent and concentrated, thus more powerful (in a sense), than the individual thought. 

Individually, I may procure abundance and peace in my life. But the collective outside of me, if their thoughts are skewed to the negative, can affect the environment around me.

It isn’t right to blame victims of circumstance, claiming that if they just realigned their thoughts, they would be fine. 

We do hold a lot of power over our individual perceptions and reality.

But the collective still has a lot of sway.

What are the implications of this understanding?

If we know that everything in our perceivable reality is thought or a projection of our thoughts—our consciousness…

…and if we know that the collective thought/consciousness is much more potent…

…then we can conclude that our entire reality can SHIFT, be MANIPULATED, and become LIGHT if we all collectively agree to make it so.

If we came together, if we encouraged positivity, if we implemented abundance, if we all understood the true meaning of this concept, the world could be a vastly different place.

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