moon phases

How to Journal with the Lunar Phases

As I dive deeper into astrology, I am becoming drawn to how I can incorporate those facets into my daily life. One way is through journaling. I’ve been journaling consistently for a while now and absolutely love it. I’m happier, more fulfilled, and clearer-minded than I’ve ever been before. 

Today, I wanted to share how I use journaling when it comes to following the lunar phases.

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post may include affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

journaling with the moon phases

Why journal with the lunar cycle

Journaling with the lunar cycle is a lot like journaling at the beginning and end of every month. The ideas remain the same, and the processes are also near identical. The difference between the two lies in the six phases in the middle.

There are eight prominent lunar phases, and those are the ones I’ll be covering in this article. Each phase has a different manifestation or meaning behind it. 

By journaling with the lunar cycle, you allow yourself to not only make goals at the beginning of a month and reflections at the end, but you also gain all of the necessary steps in between.

Additionally, the lunar cycle is more connected to our lives via astrology, emotion, and patterns. A full or new moon shapes the way we express ourselves, and we often feel their energies more profoundly than we do say, at the beginning or end of any month.

The months are man-made, but the moon phases are celestial. Whether you believe in astrology or not, I can’t help thinking that being connected to nature is more valuable than being connected to a corporate/lawful timeclock.

How to journal with the lunar phases

To journal with the lunar phases, you first need to understand that eight phases hold precedence. I’ve listed them and their meanings down below so you can gain a better understanding. 

If you need help tracking the moon phases, I recommend apps like Moon Phase Calendar or The Moon (from the weather app). You can also simply google the moon phases for the upcoming month and jot them down in your bullet journal (which is what I did).

Next, you just need to follow the meanings listed below and write out some journal entries. I’ve listed a few prompts to help with this process!

Before we get started, I think you should also be reminded that astrology is a bit more complicated than just moon phases. When the moon enters a zodiac sign, often our feelings will relate to that sign. For example, as I write this, we just experienced a full moon in Libra. Libra asks us to look for areas of our life that require balance. 

Other planetary alignments can also affect the moon phases. For the sake of simplicity, I won’t be going into depth with this. Though, as you progress with your moon journaling, you can always broaden your skills and focus on other astrological happenings to inspire your responses and reflections.

Journaling with the lunar phases guide

Below is a guide with each moon phase to help you navigate journaling with the lunar cycle.

Journaling with the New moon

What it manifests: new beginnings, a fresh start, new goals, affirmations, intention setting, self-care

The new moon is all about new beginnings, setting new goals, and creating a fresh start. During this time, you should ask yourself where you might be lacking in life and what areas of your life need help or focus. This is a great time for affirmations, intention setting, and self-care.


  • Which area of my life needs more attention?
  • What do I want to focus on this month?
  • What are three goals I want to set for myself?
  • How can I offer myself more love and care?
  • What are three affirmations I want to embody this month?

Journaling with the Waxing crescent

What it manifests: goal setting, planning, forming habits, creating an action plan

The waxing crescent is all about defining your goals and forming new habits. This is the time to create an action plan for your month and lay out a path for how you want to go about achieving your goals. Focus on building a definitive plan that sets you up for success. If you need help, I have a whole blog post on making goals that work for you.


  • How can I change my habits to work towards my goals?
  • What is my step-by-step process for reaching my goals this month?
  • What is one thing I can do each day to work towards my goals?
  • What is a defined goal that I have for myself? What’s the timeframe?

Journaling with the First quarter

What it manifests: taking action, acting on goals, bringing ideas to fruition, actively working towards goals

During the first quarter, the ball begins to roll. This is the period where you are actively working towards your goals. You’re taking action and bringing your ideas to fruition. Take time to reflect on how you’re working towards your goals and how you can keep up this momentum.


  • In what ways am I working towards my goals?
  • How can I be more active in working towards my goals?
  • What results have I seen so far?
  • What motivates me?
  • What might be holding me back if I feel unmotivated?

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Journaling with the Waxing gibbous

What it manifests: reflection, meditation, re-evaluation, looking back, re-planning, contemplation

When the moon is in its waxing gibbous phase, we are asked to further our reflection and evaluation. This is the period in time where you need to pause and meditate on your current situation. Re-evaluate where you are and where you’re heading. If need be, re-plan your efforts as well.


  • How are things working for me right now?
  • How are things not working for me?
  • Are my plans benefitting me as I move towards my goals?
  • Do I need to shift my goals? Why?
  • Is my plan definitive, or do I need to change direction?

Journaling with the Full moon

What it manifests: celebration, manifestation, gratitude, leisure, joy, mild reflection

The full moon is a time of celebration. While many people associate the moon with mystical and haunting properties, it is often seen not as an omen but as a symbol to rejoice. Lore and myth aside, the full moon asks you to express gratitude, pause, and use mild reflection to recognize where you are happiest and how you might achieve greater happiness.


  • What am I grateful for in life?
  • What makes me happy?
  • When am I happiest?
  • How can I celebrate myself and my achievements?
  • How can I express more gratitude?

Journaling with the Waning gibbous

What it manifests: creativity, how you’re growing, how far you’ve come, the journey

The waning gibbous asks us to showcase our creativity and focus on the journey. Evaluate how you’re growing, and don’t be afraid to look back and see how far you’ve come. This moon phase wants you to notice your wins and how you’ve been moving forward.


  • In what ways have I been growing since the new moon?
  • How much has changed since then?
  • What have I learned on this journey?
  • What am I excited about moving forward?
  • What can I do to express myself more creatively?

Journaling with the Last quarter

What it manifests: energy clearing, letting go, reducing negativity, releasing, moving on from toxicity and things holding you back

The last quarter is more emotional than the previous moon phases. Here, you’re being asked to analyze people, situations, feelings, mindsets, and outside influences that may be holding you back. You have to let go of toxicity and things that are not serving you. Reduce negativity and clear your energy before moving on.


  • What is holding me back from achieving success?
  • Do I have any toxic mindsets? If so, what are they?
  • What do I need to let go of?
  • Are the people in my life supporting me? Why or why not?
  • How can I clear my energy before moving on?


Journaling with the Waning crescent

What it manifests: contemplation, re-evaluation, reflection, planning again, next steps, moving forward, re-assessing situations

As you round out to the end of the lunar cycle, the waning crescent asks you to involve yourself in deep contemplation. You should re-evaluate what you achieved or did not achieve and prepare to plan again. This period is about re-assessing your situation and searching for the next steps before the new moon asks you to set new goals.


  • What worked for me this month?
  • What didn’t work for me?
  • What do I want to remember moving forward?
  • What will my next steps be?
  • Did my goals change or shift? How so?

Final thoughts 

The more you practice journaling with the lunar cycle, the easier it gets. It’s also totally fine if you don’t journal during every phase. Personally, I really love the new moon, and while I always journal then, the full moon doesn’t often receive much of my attention. And that’s okay!

Take your time and really try to enjoy the experience!

journaling prompts

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My new book, Witch in the Water, is available on Amazon!

Also, check out my poetry book, The Lights are on but Nobody’s Home, available now on amazon for $6.99 in paperback form!

Disclaimer: All of the views and opinions in this post are solely my own and are not sponsored. This post includes affiliate links, meaning I earn a commission through links at no cost to you.

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