Things I struggle with as a blogger and how I overcome them
Things I struggle with as a blogger and how I overcome them Making Time My biggest struggle as a blogger is making time for my blog. And that’s a big deal. A blog is more than just a place to plop down and spew your ideas and opinions all over the place. It’s a business…
Blog & Business Goals
I’ve been doing a lot thinking recently about my plans for the future, specifically, for the future of my blog. I want to treat my blog like a business. I want to grow, and invest in it. So, I’ve decided to lay out my business plans for you guys. This is so you all can…
Why Small Business is Thriving
Have you noticed all of the small businesses on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter promoting their products? Have you noticed how retail store after retail store is getting shut down? Have you noticed how Amazon has became the largest retail and online shopping site in the world? The way we do business is changing. And it’s…